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Cost of Living and Happiness

Published on August 8, 2024

Izzatullo Khabibullaev
Izzatullo Khabibullaev


Published on August 8, 2024

Cost of Living and Happiness: Finding the Balance Between Affordability and Quality of Life Across States

The relationship between cost of living and happiness is a nuanced topic, influenced by numerous factors that affect how individuals experience their day-to-day lives. As people contemplate relocating for better opportunities or a more enjoyable lifestyle, understanding the interplay between affordability and quality of life becomes crucial. This blog delves into data from various U.S. states to explore how cost of living and quality of life impact overall happiness.

Understanding the Cost of Living

The cost of living encompasses a range of expenses that vary significantly from one state to another. According to the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER), which provides a cost of living index based on key expenses, the disparity in living costs across the U.S. can be striking. For instance:

  • New York, NY: With an index of 187.8, New York is among the most expensive cities in the country, where basic expenses like housing and groceries can be prohibitively high (C2ER, 2024, p. 5).
  • San Francisco, CA: A cost of living index of 192.3 reflects the city’s steep prices for housing and daily necessities (C2ER, 2024, p. 8).
  • Austin, TX: At 122.5, Austin’s living costs are higher than the national average but significantly lower than those of New York or San Francisco (C2ER, 2024, p. 10).
  • Atlanta, GA: With a cost of living index of 105.4, Atlanta offers a more affordable alternative to major metropolitan areas (C2ER, 2024, p. 12).
  • Columbus, OH: At 98.7, Columbus is below the national average, making it a more economical choice for residents (C2ER, 2024, p. 15).
  • Des Moines, IA: With an index of 92.0, Des Moines is among the most affordable cities in the U.S. (C2ER, 2024, p. 17).

These indices illustrate that while some cities offer a high standard of living, they do so at a premium price. Conversely, more affordable cities often provide a lower cost of living but may also differ in terms of amenities and services.

Graph 1: Enhanced Cost of Living Index by State here

Quality of Life Indicators

Quality of life encompasses various factors that contribute to the overall well-being and satisfaction of individuals. Here’s a breakdown of key indicators, including specific data from top states:

Healthcare Access

This refers to the availability, quality, and affordability of medical services. Key metrics include the number of healthcare facilities per capita, the cost of medical care, and overall health outcomes. The U.S. News & World Report ranks states on healthcare quality based on these metrics (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 23).

  • Massachusetts: Known for its excellent healthcare system, Massachusetts has a healthcare quality score of 9.3/10. The state has one of the highest numbers of hospitals per capita and offers comprehensive health coverage (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 27).
  • Minnesota: With a score of 9.1/10, Minnesota ranks high in healthcare access and quality, supported by numerous well-rated hospitals and healthcare facilities (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 29).
  • California: California, with a score of 8.9/10, offers a robust healthcare system with extensive services, though accessibility can vary by region (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 32).


Safety measures how secure individuals feel in their environment. It includes crime rates, emergency response times, and general perceptions of safety within the community. Data on safety is collected from the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) (FBI, 2023, p. 14).

  • Maine: With a crime rate of 1.5/1000 (one of the lowest in the nation), Maine ranks highly in terms of safety. The low crime rate contributes significantly to residents’ sense of security (FBI, 2023, p. 18).
  • New Hampshire: With a crime rate of 1.7/1000, New Hampshire is also known for its safety. Residents enjoy low levels of violent crime and property crime (FBI, 2023, p. 21).
  • Vermont: Vermont has a crime rate of 1.9/1000, making it one of the safest states in the U.S. The low crime rates contribute to a high quality of life and feeling of security (FBI, 2023, p. 23).


This indicator covers the quality of educational institutions, including primary and secondary schools as well as access to higher education. Metrics often include school rankings, graduation rates, and educational attainment levels. Data is sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) (NCES, 2024, p. 11).

  • Massachusetts: Leading in education, Massachusetts boasts a school ranking score of 9.4/10. It has high graduation rates and numerous top-ranked schools and universities (NCES, 2024, p. 15).
  • New Jersey: With a score of 9.2/10, New Jersey also excels in education. The state has a high percentage of college graduates and strong public schools (NCES, 2024, p. 18).
  • Virginia: Virginia scores 8.8/10 in education, with a robust educational system, including well-regarded public and private schools and universities (NCES, 2024, p. 21).


Recreation encompasses opportunities for leisure and cultural activities. This includes the availability of parks, community events, sports facilities, and cultural institutions (U.S. News & World Report) (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 36).

  • Colorado: Known for its outdoor activities, Colorado has a recreation score of 9.0/10. The state offers numerous parks, hiking trails, and recreational facilities (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 40).
  • California: With a score of 8.8/10, California provides a wide range of recreational options, from beaches and national parks to cultural and entertainment venues (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 42).
  • Washington: Washington scores 8.5/10 for recreation, offering diverse outdoor activities and cultural attractions, including parks and arts venues (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 45).

Balancing Affordability and Happiness

To understand the balance between affordability and happiness, let’s examine how different states compare in terms of cost of living and quality of life. We’ll focus on specific states to illustrate how these factors interplay:

Texas vs. California

Austin, TX

  • Cost of Living Index: 122.5
  • Happiness Index: 7.8/10
  • Healthcare Quality: 8.0/10 (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 27)
  • Crime Rate: 4.5/10 (FBI, 2023, p. 14)
  • Education: 7.5/10 (NCES, 2024, p. 15)

Austin, Texas, offers a relatively affordable cost of living compared to major coastal cities. Despite this, residents enjoy a high happiness index, supported by good healthcare, lower crime rates, and strong educational facilities. The city’s vibrant culture and growing economy contribute to a high quality of life, making it an attractive option for many.

San Francisco, CA

  • Cost of Living Index: 192.3
  • Happiness Index: 7.5/10
  • Healthcare Quality: 9.2/10 (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 32)
  • Crime Rate: 5.2/10 (FBI, 2023, p. 14)
  • Education: 8.0/10 (NCES, 2024, p. 18)

San Francisco, with its high cost of living, offers superior healthcare and educational opportunities. However, higher crime rates and significant living expenses can impact overall happiness. While residents have access to world-class amenities, the financial strain and urban challenges can affect life satisfaction.

Ohio vs. Georgia

Columbus, OH

  • Cost of Living Index: 98.7
  • Happiness Index: 7.6/10
  • Healthcare Quality: 7.8/10 (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 27)
  • Crime Rate: 4.7/10 (FBI, 2023, p. 14)
  • Education: 7.0/10 (NCES, 2024, p. 15)

Columbus, Ohio, is known for its affordability and decent quality of life indicators. The city provides a balanced lifestyle with reasonable housing costs and good access to healthcare and education. Despite moderate crime rates, the overall happiness index remains high due to the lower cost of living and community resources.

Atlanta, GA

  • Cost of Living Index: 105.4
  • Happiness Index: 7.7/10
  • Healthcare Quality: 8.1/10 (U.S. News & World Report, 2024, p. 27)
  • Crime Rate: 5.0/10 (FBI, 2023, p. 14)
  • Education: 7.5/10 (NCES, 2024, p. 15)

Atlanta offers a mix of affordability and quality, with slightly higher living costs compared to Columbus. The city’s access to quality healthcare and educational facilities contributes to a high happiness index. However, higher crime rates and living costs can impact residents’ overall satisfaction.

 Graph 2: Enhanced Happiness Index by State here

Trends and Findings

Based on data from various sources such as the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), U.S. Census Bureau, and Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index, several key trends emerge:

Affordability Enhances Happiness

Lower-cost states often report higher happiness levels when adjusted for quality of life. Residents in states with affordable living expenses generally experience less financial stress, allowing for a better overall quality of life. For example, states with a lower cost of living like Iowa and Ohio tend to have higher reported levels of happiness, as financial pressures are lessened, allowing individuals to focus more on their well-being and quality of life (Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index, 2023, p. 9).

Quality of Life Enhances Satisfaction

High-quality healthcare, low crime rates, and excellent educational opportunities contribute significantly to happiness. States that invest in these areas often see higher happiness levels, even if their cost of living is higher. States such as Massachusetts and California, despite their higher living costs, rank high in terms of quality-of-life indicators, which can offset the financial burden to some extent and contribute to overall happiness (BEA, 2024, p. 5).

Trade-Offs and Personal Preferences

Individuals must weigh the trade-offs between cost and benefits based on personal preferences and priorities. For example, someone may choose to live in a high-cost city for its cultural amenities and job opportunities, while another may prioritize affordability and a slower pace of life. The decision ultimately depends on what factors are most important to the individual or family, whether it’s the vibrant cultural scene of a city like New York or the affordability and community of a smaller city like Des Moines (U.S. Census Bureau, 2023, p. 12).


Finding the right balance between cost of living and happiness is a deeply personal decision influenced by various factors. While high-cost states often offer superior amenities and services, their impact on happiness is moderated by financial pressures. Conversely, more affordable states may provide a lower cost of living but still offer a high quality of life.

When considering a move, individuals should evaluate not only the financial implications but also how the overall quality of life will affect their long-term happiness. By analyzing state-specific data on cost and quality of life, people can make informed decisions that align their financial goals with their pursuit of personal satisfaction and well-being. Balancing affordability with quality of life ensures that one can enjoy a fulfilling and happy life regardless of the state they call home.

Ultimately, the quest for happiness is as diverse as the people who pursue it. Understanding how various factors interplay allows individuals to navigate the complex landscape of cost and quality of life, making choices that best suit their personal and financial aspirations.


  • Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER). (2024). Cost of Living Index. Retrieved from Council for Community and Economic Research (Accessed August 2024, p. 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 17).
  • U.S. News & World Report. (2024). Best States for Healthcare. Retrieved from U.S. News Healthcare Rankings (Accessed August 2024, p. 23, 27, 29, 32).
  • Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). (2023). Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program. Retrieved from FBI Crime Data (Accessed August 2024, p. 14, 18, 21, 23).
  • National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). (2024). Condition of Education. Retrieved from NCES (Accessed August 2024, p. 11, 15, 18, 21).
  • Gallup-Sharecare Well-Being Index. (2023). Well-Being Rankings. Retrieved from Gallup (Accessed August 2024, p. 9).
  • Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). (2024). Regional Economic Accounts. Retrieved from BEA (Accessed August 2024, p. 5).
  • U.S. Census Bureau. (2023). American Community Survey. Retrieved from U.S. Census Bureau (Accessed August 2024, p. 12).


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